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  1. TCP
    • 2010 – Video Streaming(optional)
    • 5060 – VoIP(optional)
    • 5066 – VoIP(optional)
    • 8005  SynthesisVR communication port(mandatory)
    • 8088 – SynthesisVR communication port(mandatory)
  2. UDP
    • 5060 – VoIP(optional)
    • 8070 – Synthesis communication port (recommended)
    • 8071 – Synthesis communication port (recommended)
    • All ports above 10000 (VoIP Audio optional)

Access Point:

  1. TCP
    • 5060 – VoIP(optional)
    • 8006  SynthesisVR communication port(mandatory)
    • 8007  SynthesisVR Leaderboard
    • 8079 – SynthesisVR communication port(mandatory)
    • 8080 – SynthesisVR communication port(mandatory)
  2. UDP
    • 5060 – VoIP(optional)
    • 8070 – SynthesisVR communication port(mandatory)
    • 8071 – SynthesisVR communication port(mandatory)
    • All ports above 10000 (VoIP Audio optional)
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