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Quick fix:

  1. Disable the “Steam Lock” in SynthesisVR
  2. Put on the HMD and go to the Settings tab
  3. Go to “Customizations” and change the background to one from the list (doesn’t matter which one)
  4. Click the Refresh button or restart SynthesisVR

Long fix (if the quick one does not help):

  1. Go to  C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\resources\backgrounds
  2. Rename the aurorasky.png file to aurorasky.png.bak (in case you need the original again).
  3. Copy the transition_background.png (again, in case you need the original again).
  4. Rename the copied file to aurorasky.png
  5. Exit SteamVR and let it restart.
  6. In the SynthesisVR Access Point App, check the “Disable Steam Lock”.
  7. Go into VR and choose the “Settings” icon from the SteamVR menu.
  8. Select Customize on the top left.
  9. You should be in the “background” section already (select on the left), choose any of the backgrounds (select on the right). Wait a few seconds and your SynthesisVR background should refresh automatically. If not, end the SynthesisVR task and let it restart.
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