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How to customize waiver form

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SynthesisVR supports custom waiver forms which can also be used as customer registration forms as well. By using SynthesisVR waiver forms you save money from subscribing to 3rd party waiver forms and with inbuilt customer registration you can track all your customers.

How to customize waiver form:

  • Login to Synthesisvr admin panel using your admin credentials.
  • Go to Administration on the Left Menu.
  • Then Click Advanced Settings – Online & Email Settings – Web Templates

The following templates have to be modified:

  • waiver_text
  • waiver_parents_text

To add your logo in the waiver form edit this template:

  • logo


How to access the waiver for your customers:

  • Click Dashboard on your admin panel
  • You will see a Waiver Form button.

Clicking this will open a pop up. You can copy this link on a tablet or any smart device and use it for client registration as well

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