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Integrate Web Widgets with WIX

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There are two ways you can add the widget:

  1. As a “Book Now” button across all the pages. It will open the widget in a popup in the site
  1. As a “Book Now” page containing the widget inside

Book now button:

  • Login into Wix
  • Go to “Tracking & Analytics” from the side panel
  • Click on the “+ New Tool” button and select”Custom”
  • Paste the code snippet you have got from Synthesis (the “Embeded Examples” button) and set the “Place Code in” option to “Body -end”.
Under Synthesis, go to “Administration >> Advanced Settings >> Online & Email Settings >> Web Widgets” and Edit your widget.
In the “AddHTMLbeforetheBODYtagclosure” field, add the following code:

  • <script>$('#experienceTypeDescription').addClass('d-none');
  • $('<div class="svrclose"><button class="btn btn-block btn-primary" onclick=" window.parent.postMessage(\'close_svr\',\'https://YOUR_WEB_SITE\');">Close Booking Widget</button></div>').insertAfter('div.card');
  • </script>
  • <style>
  • @media all and (orientation:landscape) { .svrclose { display: none; }
  • .svrclose { margin: 10px;}
  • </style>

Replace YOUR_WEB_SITE with your actual domain name.

Book now page:

Follow the same steps to create the Wix Custom tool, but use the following code:
  • <script>
  • svr_widget_id ='11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111';
  • var svrbooking =createElement('iframe');
  • src ='//'+window.svr_widget_id;
  • style.width = '100%'; ='100%';
  • getElementById('SITE_PAGES').innerHTML ='';
  • getElementById('SITE_PAGES').appendChild(svrbooking);
  • </script>

Replace 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111 with the widget public key.

Also, through the Wix settings, make sure that code would load only for your “Book Now” page.

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