The SynthesisVR 3D Environment/Island
Owning an arcade is a challenging business. You not only have to provide an excellent customer services, but also need to have the right tools on hand. As SVR already provides a lot options to save money from your daily operations, it is now time to provide your customers with an excellent VR experience from the first second.
Once you install V2.0, you have to navigate to the dashboard and enable the 3D experience for each of your VR stations.
Head over to Administration >> VR Stations in out Simple View
or Administration >> Arcade Setup >> VR Stations in the Advanced View
Once in, click on the Edit button for whichever station you want to have the 3D Environment/Island on. Then click on the drop down menu next to the “3D Environment” option and choose SynthesisVR 3D Island option.
Click on Save and then head over to your station and open the Access Point app. Click on Refresh button to refresh the station.
- Once the environment is downloaded, it would be automatically activated for every of your VR sessions. During a session, your customers still could easily access the list of games by pressing the System button on the Vive controller. They would receive one more option that would let them return to the 3Denvironment:
On the Version 3 interface:
On the Version 4 interface:
- To customize the new texts, please download and edit the file located here:
Once you are done, open the file in a text editor, copy the test, and head over to (in the Advanced View):
Administration >> Advanced Setup >> Customizations >> 3D Menu Customization
Then paste the text in the available space.
If you would like to play your own audio files, you could add the “playfile:” prefix to all “speak” related parameters.
“speak_handset_take_during_tutorial”: “Use this handset to call the arcade operator for assistance”
This line would lead to a text-to-speech saying the text on the right.
If you have a recorded file and that file is located under: C:\audio\call_for_help.wav , then the following setting would be valid:
“speak_handset_take_during_tutorial”: “playfile: C:\\audio\\call_for_help.wav ”
Please keep in mind the double backslashes are required.