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Adding an External Game to SynthesisVR Game Menus

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Currently, SynthesisVR has 25 “spots” for external games, using the following code numbers:

  • 1680 / Random Game 1
  • 1682 / Random Game 2
  • 1683 / Random Game 3
  • 1684 / Random Game 4
  • 1685 / Random Game 5
  • 1686 / Random Game 6
  • 1687 / Random Game 7
  • 1688 / Random Game 8
  • 1689 / Random Game 9
  • 1690 / Random Game 10
  • 4316 / Random Game 11
  • 4317 / Random Game 12
  • 4318 / Random Game 13
  • 4319 / Random Game 14
  • 4320 / Random Game 15
  • 4321 / Random Game 16
  • 4322 / Random Game 17
  • 4323 / Random Game 18
  • 4324 / Random Game 19
  • 4325 / Random Game 20
  • 4326 / Random Game 21
  • 4327 / Random Game 22
  • 4328 / Random Game 23
  • 4329 / Random Game 24
  • 4330 / Random Game 25

Each code above would represent a single game/executable. To set up an external game/experience, please follow these steps:
1) Open the following file:

  • %localappdata%\SynthesisVR\app\Resources\localmanifest.json

2) After the top most { character, add these lines:

"apps": [
        "gameid": 1680,
        "cmd": "H:\\actual\\game\\path\\game.exe"
        "gameid": 1682,
        "cmd": "H:\\actual\\game2\\path2\\game.exe"

Where you would replace the path to the exe of the game you want to add (note the double slashes above, those need to be there). The above code is adding 2 games using 2 of the provided code. Add more lines for more games, or remove the 2nd set if you’re only adding one game.
3) Save the file and click on “Refresh” either on the stations or on through the “Your Games” section.
4) You will now see these “Random” games in the “Your Games” section through the Administration page.
5) From there, you can click on the game and edit the image, the description, the trailer url, etc.

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